a. Does it contain asbestos?
There is a strong possibility that there is asbestos in any buildings built before 1991. In the event of any work, it is essential that you perform a "pre-work diagnosis" of the property in order to see if there is any asbestos and to avoid any risk of contamination.
b. What are the risks for me if it does contain asbestos?
During normal use of the building (when you live there without performing any work), if the materials are in good condition, there is no risk of exposure. If you suspect that asbestos may be present in materials in poor condition or to avoid any risk, ask for a "normal use diagnosis" (diagnostic en utilisation normale) from an approved company. Work that is carried out without precautions creates dust and exposes the workers and occupants of the premises to asbestos fibres. It is essential that you perform a diagnosis before any work activity and, where appropriate, have the asbestos containing materials removed in the area affected by the works.